Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Overwhelming Inspiration

Sometimes as an artist you just have this need inside of you to draw, paint or whatever. That your artistic ability is just spilling over. Your mind is overwhelmed and the only way to fix it is to draw. Lately this has been happening to me alot. I wake up with drawings in my mind, and when that happens the picture never goes away. Sometimes I don't even know what the picture means until I draw it.

I had forgotten a sketch book and all I had was the book that I was reading. So I grabbed a pen and let my mind do the rest. This is what happened. At first it was a squiggly circle and then it became a tree. I didn't have a plan. I just let the inspiration and thoughts fill the page.

Sometimes when I get in periods like this when I have pictures in my mind going all the time of good ideas, I just get headaches. I can't stop seeing it. My mind is full of color and thoughts and inspiration and without anywhere to put it my mind overloads. Because I can't forget a picture until I draw it.